Greenpackt®: Fameccanica opens the door to the Green Revolution
One of the greatest challenges of our century is sustainability. A concept that refers to environmental well-being, but also to social and economic well-being. A choice that, if handled wisely, can help build a better future for generations to come.

Sustainability as a driving factor
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda look far into the future, envisioning a future that can overcome the major problems that characterize our time.

The UN list includes responsible consumption and production - a goal that encourages the adoption of sustainable practices, even by large corporations.
By 2023, it is necessary to substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
This includes the packaging supply chain, which is an important thermometer of sustainability. The decision to use environmentally friendly, green and circular packaging is part of a collective strategy to promote environmental protection and ecological transition. In fact, sustainability in the context of packaging encompasses a range of practical and value-based meanings. From a strictly practical point of view, target companies commit to eco-designs, which reduce the excess packaging of a product without compromising its protective qualities. They opt for green packaging that is easier to dispose of and that is made mostly of recycled and biodegradable materials.
These are all choices that define a holistic approach that, according to recent research by Mckinsey & Company, can be summarized in five simple steps:
- Reduce the use of packaging: both excessive use of the manufacturer's own packaging and secondary and tertiary use
- Update packaging design from consumer and general market demands
- Efficient transportation and logistics by reducing empty-miles and opting for pallets that can ensure safety and sustainability
- Choose sustainable materials that produce lower emissions during their life cycle
- Promote the circularity of products by optimizing waste management, reuse of materials and proper disposal

McKinsey's article Sustainability in Packaging: Five key levers for significant impact analyzes companies' commitment to the sustainability of their packaging and suggests a simple, actionable plan of action.
In terms of the ethics and values, by choosing to follow these tips, companies will help protect the planet and people's health, while strengthening their brand reputation and consumer trust, and responding to the social sensitivities that are increasingly differentiating them.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the relationship between sustainability and business is a necessary one. A relationship whose fruits will enable a real leap forward, making innovation a constant stimulus.
When technology and the environment link hands
It's a fact: consumers are proving to be increasingly attentive to their purchasing habits. They prefer eco-friendly products and companies that use sustainable packaging solutions. According to data from the third edition of the FMCG Packaging Innovation Observatory by Nomisma - a market research and consulting company - 68% of Italians consider eco-friendly packaging to be one of the most important criteria when choosing a product.
In this scenario, Fameccanica, a company specialised in factory automation and a leading manufacturer of a wide range of FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) products, has created Greenpackt®, a new integrated and patented packaging system. A project that makes it possible to industrialize and use the production of sustainable and recyclable packaging for single-serving detergents, in parallel with the construction of the machines that produce them.
100% Sustainable, 100% Recyclable
Two characteristics are evident from the name, which comes from the union of the words green and packt, which in turn comes from the union of the words pack and impact.
The use of Greenpackt® technology would have a positive environmental impact comparable to the oxygen contribution of 4 million young trees and, in terms of energy, to the annual needs of 70 thousand households.
Greenpackt® is a valuable project that took two years of work and study by a team of engineers specialized in mechatronics. The result of this first design phase is the construction of two machines that, thanks to the most advanced technologies, are capable of producing two types of products with varying containment capacities that guarantee a high level of flexibility and performance. Specifically, it is planned to produce:
- Stand-up envelopes
A type of packaging equipped with zippers and available in two versions:
The first consists of compostable bags made of paper and biopolymers, and the second consists of bags made of paper and water-soluble polymers.
- Rigid packaging
A type of packaging made from 100% recyclable paper, recycled fibers, and a moisture barrier coating.

In general, both products are compact packages that offer a high level of protection against moisture and have child-proof opening systems that have passed AISE standard tests.
A very efficient solution intended to meet the needs of an increasingly green economy and a world where sustainability is a priority.
With Greenpackt®, Fameccanica's know-how aims to meet the expectations of the market, which has already made demands on its products. This new technology also aims to make a concrete contribution in the fight against plastic pollution, which is poisoning the world’s oceans. In fact, Fameccanica is leading the way forward on a path that continues to be less traveled.
- - Fameccanica lancia il nuovo sistema di packaging sostenibile Greenpackt
- - Cominicato Stampa Greenpackt
- - New Green Packaging for single use detergents
- - Verso un packaging più sostenibile, dalla riduzione degli sprechi al biodesign
- - Sostenibilita: significato, obiettivi e perchè è importante
- - Packaging e sostenibilità: nuovi materiali e nuovi processi di produzione
- - Sustainability in packaging: Five key levers for significant impact
- osservatorio packaging del largo consumo: sostenibilita e packaging nel new normal