
An industrial holding company with strategic planning that ensures systems of governance and result measurement.

A modern and transparent corporate governance system.

The Board of Directors of Angelini Holding, the parent company of Angelini Industries, is inspired by market best practices and is made up of 7 members, 5 of whom are independent. The governance and organizational model is based on the accountability of managers, who are called upon to exercise their management and steering role and to be accountable in terms of results. A corporate governance system geared toward value creation, service quality, business risk control and transparency regarding the market.

Our Board of Directors

The Statutory Auditors

The institutional task of the Board of Statutory Auditors, in accordance with the law and the Articles of Association, is to ensure compliance with legal and statutory provisions and to safeguard the integrity of the company’s shareholders’ equity as a guarantee to shareholders and third parties, interacting with the Directors, shareholders, the Independent Auditors, the Supervisory Body and the control functions.

The Supervisory Board

As part of the implementation of the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, a Supervisory Board has been established: a collective body with powers of initiative and control, whose members, identified by the Angelini Holding Board of Directors, must meet the requirements of autonomy, independence, professionalism and continuity of action. The Supervisory Board ( is responsible for supervising the operation of and compliance with the Model, and for ensuring that it is constantly updated

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics clearly expresses the set of principles, commitments, responsibilities and rules of conduct that inspire the daily activities of all the people who make up the Angelini Industries Group, taking into account the importance of their roles, the complexity of their functions and the responsibilities entrusted to them for the pursuit of the Group's goals.

Organisation, Management and Control Model

Angelini Industries and its companies  have adopted and effectively implemented an “Organisation, Management and Control Model”.
The Model was prepared based on Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, guidelines issued by industry organisations as well as specific initiatives already implemented by the Group within its internal audit and risk management systems.
The Model lays out the procedural directives that must be followed during all decision-making and operational stages of business processes. This not only guarantees the proper functioning but also the trustworthiness of management and the Group’s corporate image.

Anti-Corruption Policy

The Policy represents an important step in implementing common principles and rules of conduct for all companies in the Group, aimed at ensuring proper and transparent management with public and private entities.

In particular, with the adoption of the Global Policy, Angelini Industries aims to further strengthen and give substance to the principles of behavior and safeguards contained in the Group's Code of Ethics, with specific reference to the prevention of active and passive corruption phenomena.